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Introduction Page

Biobanks are collections of biological materials which are annotated with corresponding data. Medical biobanks typically contain tissues, blood or body fluids collected in research projects, obtained from biopsies for routine diagnostic purposes, from organs surgically removed for treatment of diseases or materials collected at autopsy. Associated with relevant clinical data, they are essential resources for the establishment of the function and medical relevance of human genes (Hirtzlin et al., 2003; Hagen and Carlstedt-Duke, 2004; Cambon-Thomsen, 2004; Asslaber et al., 2007).

Particularly valuable information can be obtained from diseased human tissues, which preserve information on genetic and epigenetic alterations as well as modifications of gene products causing diseases or influencing their outcome. Because of the huge number of biological and medical parameters (e.g., type of disease, treatment, genetic polymorphisms, accompanying disease, life style, etc.) that influence and characterize the disease of individual patients, hundreds to thousands of samples have to be investigated to cope with the biological/medical diversity of humans. Such large tissue collections provide insight into the great variability of human disease manifestations and allow an estimation of the individual's response to medical treatment. Thus, they constitute an essential basis for the advancement of targeted and personalized medicine.




Standardisation of Sample Pre-Analytics for Molecular Diagnostics and Biomarker Development

In this public workshop scientific background, key activities and main results of the large-scale European FP7 project SPIDIA (Standardisation and improvement of generic pre-analytical tools and procedures for in-vitro diagnostics,, a collaboration of 16 leading academic institutions, international organisations and life sciences companies, are presented. This is accompanied by talks and discussions with international experts in the field of biospecimen research, molecular diagnostics and biomarker development.

Scientific Topics include
Critical pre-analytical variables of biological samples
Novel tissue fixation technologies
RNA analysis in blood and tissue samples
Protein and phospho-protein profiles
Development and validation of molecular biomarkers

Date & Time
Wednesday, October 10th 2012
15:00 - 18:30

Medical University of Graz
Institute of Pathology, Lecture Hall
Auenbruggerplatz 25
8036 Graz

For further information, please contact
Dr. Christian Viertler

Draft Agenda - Draft Agenda - Draft Agenda - Draft Agenda


Opening Words
Irmgard Th. Lippe, Vice rector, Medical University of Graz, Austria



EU SPIDIA Project Update - Standardization and Improvement of Genetic Pre-Analytical Tools and Procedures for In-Vitro Diagnostics
Uwe Oelmüller, SPIDIA Coordinator, QIAGEN GmbH, Hilden, Germany



Biospecimen Research at the U.S. National Cancer Institute
Helen Moore, Program Manager, Biospecimen Research Networt, Bethesda, USA



The Role of Interdisciplinary Networks in Molecular Diagnostics Biomarker Validation
Francois Rousseau, Québec University Hospital Center, Québec, Canada



The Pre-Analytical Phase for Molecular Methods in Blood Samples
Mario Pazzagli, University of Florence, Italy



RNA Quality Biomarker to Monitor Pre-Analytical Variation in Blood Samples
Hui Zhang, DiaGenic ASA, Oslo, Norway



Pre-Analytical Parameters Impacting on Molecular Analyses of Tissues
Kurt Zatloukal, Medical University of Graz, Austria



 Coffee break - Coffee break - Coffee break



Impact of Pre-Analytical Factors on Protein and Phospho-Protein Profiles in Tissue Samples
Karl-Friedirich Becker, Technical University of Munich, Germany



Improvements of Tissue Pre-Analytical for High Quality Tissu-Based Moecular Studies
Christian Viertler, Medical University of Graz, Austria



Adapting Routine Tissue Freezing Protocols for a Better Collection for Medical Research Purposes
Peter Riegman, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands



Molecular Analysis for Clinical Research and Diagnostics in Archive Tissues
Giorgio Stanta, Coordinator IMPACTS projects, University of Triest, Italy



Biobank Graz
Berthold Huppertz, Medical University of Graz, Austria



Don't Alter the Individual Metabolome
Paola Turano, CERM, University of Florence, Italy



Need of Quality Control of Biobank Samples for Reproductible Metabolomics
Beate Kamlage, Metanomics GmbH, Berlin, Germany



Closing Words
Uwe Oelmüller, SPIDIA Coordinator, QIAGEN GmbH, Hilden, Germany